Gepubliceerd op maandag 6 april 2009
IEF 7772
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To disable the engine

Speech Charlie McCreevy, High Level Conference on Counterfeiting and Piracy: "The Observatory has been launched today to do just that - to bring together expert resources so that we can get to the bottom of this illegal trade. We need to look under the bonnet, see how this international machine operates, cut off the fuel supply and disable the engine. I am convinced that the Observatory will provide an effective and efficient means of doing this. One that is able to collect data, raise awareness, facilitate dialogue, exchange views and share best practice between stakeholders, within Member states and across the EU. It is a practical, pragmatic response to the challenges we face. As a result, I am sure we will have better cooperation, stronger collaboration and the opportunity to better target our enforcement resources."

"I also underlined that for me, the key to success in this process depends mainly on non legislative measures and that it is important to develop practical solutions instead of drawing on a cluster of legislation. Our challenge is to complement the legal framework with strategies designed to make an impact on the ground. The European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy gives us this start. I am deeply convinced about that."

Lees hier de closing remarks, en hier de opening remarks.