Gepubliceerd op woensdag 30 november 2005
IEF 1287
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Common interest

Toespraak van Eurocommissaris voor de Interne Markt Charlie McCreevy voor de Legal Affairs Commissie van het Europees Parlement over 'Stocktaking on industrial and intellectual property'.

"What does business want? In my view it wants: clear substantive rules, ideally agreed at a pan-European, or even a global level; access to simple inexpensive procedures for obtaining IPR rights; and reliable, predictable and inexpensive remedies when disputes arise. How has Europe met this challenge?"

Niets dan lof over zowel het Gemeenschapsmerk als het Gemeenschapsmodel. Iets strenger is McCreevy ten aanzien van octrooien: "We owe it to industry, investors, researchers, to have an effective patent regime in the EU. Unless we can find agreement soon on the Community Patent, this is not going to happen."

"I do not see the circumstances arising in the next few months that will create the conditions for the one determined effort I envisage. Accordingly, I would like to use the next three months to launch and engage in a dialogue to determine what might usefully be done to provide Europe with a sound IPR framework. As well as continuing to strive for the Community Patent an issue to be considered is the existing framework of the European Patent Office, especially the litigation arrangements. I would like to hear what stakeholders think of this idea. I know that some of you have suggested a third way: the harmonisation of national patent rules. Of course, at this stage, all avenues should be explored. But before going up this avenue, we would need to be sure of the added value, so I intend also to seek views on this suggestion."

Tot slot nog een enkel woord over het actieplan modernisering van company law en corporate governance.
"The main underlying principles in the Action Plan have been enhancing transparency and empowering shareholders. These principles will remain valid for the second phase."The time has come to focus on the second phase of the Action Plan. A consultative document will soon be posted on the web and stakeholders and all interested parties will have a three-month deadline for reply. This consultation will seek the stakeholders’ views, on all measures scheduled for adoption in the medium to long term and whether they are still relevant. Stakeholders will also be invited to comment on modernisation and simplification of company law directives."
Lees hier de hele speech.