Gepubliceerd op maandag 30 mei 2005
IEF 410
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In de discussie over Fèta en Tocai even de weg kwijt geraakt tussen alle geografische aanduidingen, PDO's, TSG's, PGI's, oorsprongsbenameningen en herkomstaanduidingen? Deze EU-website legt het allemaal even uit en laat zien op welk logo'tje je moet letten in supermarkt.

A PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) covers the term used to describe foodstuffs which are produced, processed and prepared in a given geographical area using recognised know-how.

n the case of the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) the geographical link must occur in at least one of the stages of production, processing or preparation. Furthermore, the product can benefit from a good reputation.

A TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed) does not refer to the origin but highlights traditional character, either in the composition or means of production.