Gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 oktober 2008
IEF 7147
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Voorwaardelijke toegang-piraterij

Persbericht Europese Commissie: “Europe-wide protection against conditional-access piracy still indispensable, says Commission report. In a changing market, it remains essential for the roll-out of pay-TV services that conditional-access systems (systems to restrict access to paying customer) be protected at European level against piracy. This is the verdict of a report published today by the European Commission.

(…) First, efforts to combat piracy against conditional-access systems have varied according to Member State. Industry players in some Member States point to overly mild penalties and a lack of technical expertise on the part of their national administrations. Also, they call for the adoption of penalties for the possession of pirate access systems (such as decoders that avoid having to pay for pay-TV) by private individuals; such penalties are currently not provided for by the Directive. On the other hand, the report establishes that many new and thriving types of service are protected by the Directive: video on demand, mobile TV and online streaming, for instance, which all use conditional-access systems to restrict access to paying customers.

As regards possibilities for extending protection under the Directive, be it to cover copyright or exclusive broadcasting rights for sporting events, or the use of conditional access for purposes other than safeguarding service providers’ income, the report concludes that more information is required.

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