Gepubliceerd op woensdag 29 juni 2011
IEF 9854
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Resolutie van EPLAW

EPLaw Resolution on Unitary Patent and European Patent Court

European Patent Lawyers Association (EPLAW) is een vertegenwoordiging van advocaten met lange ervaring in 'Patent Litigation'. De discussie rondom EU/Eenvormig octrooi is nauwlettend gevolgd, destemeer omdat de 'Expert Committee on the future patent court' bestond uit leden van EPLAW. EPLAW komt met een resolutie met vier hoofddoelen voor het bevredigend functioneren van een litigation system, getekend door Pierre Véron, Kevin Mooney, Willem Hoyng en dr. Jochen Pagenberg.

It should fit within the legal order of the EU but, as the EPC system is broader than membership of the EU, no further substantive patent law at the EU level should be created and, as advised by the Commission’s expert
group, Arts 6 to 8 of the draft Regulation, 2011/0093 published as Annex I in doc.10629/11 of May 26, 2011, should be deleted.

Cases should be heard by expert judges. This cannot be guaranteed simply by education of judges; the necessary expertise can only be obtained by training on the job. It is of key importance for the users and the success of the system that there be clarity as to how this is to be achieved.

An effective litigation system should aim for 12 months a first instance decision for ordinary cases with a final decision of the Court of Appeal within the same timeframe.  A system which grants patents which cannot be enforced within that timeframe will not encourage innovation and will lead to frustration of the users.

Litigation should be reasonably priced and proportionate to the importance of the case.