Gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 mei 2005
IEF 382
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IE & Consumentenbescherming

Nieuw op de IVIR- site: Copyright Law and Consumer Protection, L. Guibault en N. Helberger (foto's), European Consumer Law Group, februari 2005. Policy conclusions of the European Consumer Law Group (ECLG) based on a study carried out by L. Guibault and N. Helberger.

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of certain key aspects of the relationship between copyright law and consumer protection. More particularly, the paper concentrates on what would appear today as the most problematic issue, from the perspective of the consumer, understood in the narrow sense of the word, namely the implementation of technological protection measures (TPM) and digital rights management (DRM) systems and its implication for the exercise of the private use exemption.