Alle dossiers
Gepubliceerd op maandag 13 juni 2005
IEF 482
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IP Watch bericht dat The Swiss newspaper Le Temps on Thursday reported on the involvement of the WIPO building director in the construction of a personal swimming pool for Director General Kamil Idris According to sources cited in the story, the swimming pool was purchased in France in 2003 and paid for in cash by the building director, who worked frequently on the project site in his personal capacity sometimes during office hours.

In recent months, the organisation has been called upon to address a series of questions about the organisation’s financial and management practices that have come under scrutiny along with the United Nations at large. In addition, complaints have arisen about the way meetings of WIPO’s members are conducted and policies are developed. A WIPO official noted to IP-Watch Tuesday that “neither WIPO, nor any WIPO official, is under investigation.” Lees uitgebreid artikel hier.