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Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 oktober 2021
IEF 20274

Ronde tafel conferentie 'Unity in design law'

De Europese vereniging van IE-specialisten UNION-IP organiseert een Autumn Round Table conferentie op 12 november a.s.

This Autumn Round Table will cover the topic of "UNITY IN DESIGN LAW", a validity aspect related to errors and/or inconsistencies residing in the drawings. The round table aims to look at practical/technical aspects (strategy) and to debate on the legal consequences (scope of protection). A panel of eminent speakers from the registration and the judiciary authorities, as well as some of our finest practitioners will guide you through this exciting topic. The round table will take half a day and will be in a hybrid format, i.e. simultaneously "in person" and "online".
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