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Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 30 augustus 2019
IEF 18654

EPO User Day in Den Haag

Register now for the EPO User Day in The Hague on 24 September 2019.

Places still available:
-Workshop on the web-based online filing system (CMS), 10.30 - 12.30 hrs, Language: German and 13.45 - 15.45 hrs, Language: French
-Technical workshop on the established EPO Online Filing software - basic installation, configuration and system administration, 10.30 - 12.30 hrs, Language: English
-Technical workshop on the established EPO Online Filing software - patent management system (PMS) gateway, 13.45 - 15.45 hrs, Language: English

This year's one-day event, which is aimed primarily at IP support staff, paralegals and patent attorneys, will feature a combination of keynote presentations and various seminars on the patent granting procedure, including hands-on PC workshops.

The morning session will start with a presentation of the latest developments at the EPO and the policy directions set out for the coming years in the Strategic Plan 2023. We will also address the quality and timeliness of the European patent granting procedure and see a demonstration of our new Espacenet that is soon to be launched.

Next, a number of parallel workshops will be run, giving participants the opportunity to select the topics that best suit their needs.

Throughout the event, participants will have the opportunity to share experiences with each other and discuss procedural or technical matters with EPO experts.

Full details about the programme and registration can be found here. The deadline for registration is 8 September 2019.